Elite Mobs..这几天在服务器玩了这个插件的时候遇到许多不解问题,来贴吧后发现关于这个插件攻略有点少,在被精英怪锤得死去活来后,我将在这个帖子发布一些我最新的关于该插件的理解。
Champions is a mod that adds elite mobs of different rarities, with enhanced stats, extra abilities, and extra loot. These champions can be spawned for any hostile mob in the game. Many aspects of this mod can be configured with either the config file or the generated json files, allowing...
Elite Armageddon This is a mod best reserved for challenges on multiplayer servers or if you want to give yourself a real hardcore experience on your own. Essentially you have five (in game) days to gather as much supplies and materials as you can before the sun burns up the world and ev...
34437 minecraft吧 谜之灵740 Elite Mobs精英怪物模组攻略这几天在服务器玩了这个插件的时候遇到许多不解问题,来贴吧后发现关于这个插件攻略有点少,在被精英怪锤得死去活来后,我将在这个帖子发布一些我最新的关于该插件的理解。 分享243 三国杀elite吧 瓜梨梨梨梨梨子 【Elite家族招收新人须知】2012.8一楼我Elite...
【测评】mgc2elite测评一楼不说事。 16512 魔方吧 最爱zrocklee 测评:Valk3 Elite M(彩色版)晚来的测评帖,犹如迟来的EM…但,是精英,终会到! 24141126 minecraft吧 谜之灵740 Elite Mobs精英怪物模组攻略这几天在服务器玩了这个插件的时候遇到许多不解问题,来贴吧后发现关于这个插件攻略有点少,在被精英怪...