ELISITASI KEBUTUHAN PENGGUNA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN EKSPEKTASI PENGGUNA TERHADAP LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMdoi:10.59261/jequi.v4i1.70Recently, face-to-face learning has been replaced by distance learning using the Learning Management System. This is because the government has formulated policies...
PENINGKATAN KANDUNGAN ASAM FOLAT PADA TEPUNG KECAMBAH KEDELAI MELALUI ELISITASI DENGAN XANTHAN GUM 来自 pse.litbang.pertanian.go.id 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者: KID Srimaryati 摘要: Folic acid, known as Vitamin B9, has an important function in the body, especially in the period of cell ...