I saw someone say it was a great activity for the day. Seriously lady? It’s pressing your hand into some dough. The only thing that it keeps busy is your oven, meaning you can’t even cook dinner. Actually, maybe I should try it… ...
Biernoff has often referenced anonymous, found photographs, which she carefully recreates with paint, unearthing the latent meaning of these objects through sustained attention. In recent work, Biernoff has remade postcards and posters and extended her practice to include faux fragments of the walls...
41 And it came about, when Elisheva heard the Birkat Shalom of Miryam, the yeled leaped in Elisheva’s womb, and she was filled with the Ruach Hakodesh. Read Chapter Compare PREVIOUS Lukas 1:40 NEXT Lukas 1:42 Images for Lukas 1:41 Lukas 1:41 Meaning and Commentary Luke 1:41 ...
As to who calls me Rev., its on my minister's license and I felt uncomfortable being called Reverend also till YAHUSHUA and I had a heart to heart talk, this is what the word Rev. means when I hear it or USE it. I don't care what others' meaning is, only what the LORD YAHU...
Strange as it may seem, in its original meaning, the word Frenk meant Ashkenazi, and is derived, of course, from the word for France (Frankreich, in German, is clearly related). ... Hence the common surname Ashkenazi among Sepharadim to this day. Where can I watch the marvelous Mrs ...