When Jesus gave His blood and His life by dying on the cross, He knew that He was paying the price for you to have eternal life. 耶稣在十字架上流出宝血,已经为我们的罪负上生命的代价,我们只要相信他,就能得到永远的生命。 Do you remember Jesus'last words on the cross? 你还记得耶稣基督在...
Rather than deciding on her own what to do with that oil, the widow went straight to Elisha. Elisha said, Go now and sell the oil. Pay off your debts and you will still have enough left to take care of you and your sons. The widows sadness now was turned to joy! As she left El...
Believing on the Lord Jesus and letting Him save you from sin is the first big step in God's marvelous plan for you! ??Using that one pot of oil was part of God's marvelous plan for this poor widow and her two sons. The widow and her sons went to work right away! Let's ...
Rather than deciding on her own what to do with that oil, the widow went straight to Elisha. Elisha said, Go now and sell the oil. Pay off your debts and you will still have enough left to take care of you and your sons. The widows sadness now was turned to joy! As she left El...