The Bible story of Elijah and Elisha is found in both books of Kings from the Old Testament. They are two of the most notable prophets from scripture helping to restore Israel in a time of wicked rulers. Discover their Bible story with the full scripture
BIBLE. GospelsCHRISTOLOGYPROPHECYMIRACLESMany interpreters have observed allusions to Elijah and Elisha in the signs of the Gospel of John. Older studies typically evaluated the parallels to determine either John's use of a signs source, the provenance of the Gospel, or the chr...
Elisha had answered when old Elijah asked for his last request. 耶和华,以利亚的神在哪里呢? 他们对以利沙说:仆人们这里有五十个壮士,求你容他们去寻找你师傅, Maybe the Spirit of the Lord took him up, and then cast him down on some mountain or in some valley. 或者耶和华的灵将他提起来,投...
The Syrian army camped around the city and cut off their food and water supply. 亚兰人的军队包围了那个城市并切断了他们的粮草供应。 The Bible says the people of Samaria suffered a great famine, which means there is no food. 圣经里面记述撒玛利亚城里的人陷入了严重的饥荒,食物极其缺乏。 The hu...
Related to Elisha:Elijah Elisha(ēlīˈshə), in the Bible, prophet who functions as a model of the Mosaic prophetic office afterElijah, whose work he continued; he is believed to have lived in the 9th cent. B.C. Elisha initiated the political programs outlined to Elijah on Mt. Horeb...
Elisha’s name does not reappear in the Biblical narrative until 2 Kings 2:1, which marks the beginning of the account of Elijah’s ascension to heaven and prefaces the active role of Elisha as the full successor to Elijah. Elisha and the ascension of Elijah (2 Kings 2:1-12). Elisha ...
Elijah Taken Away from Elisha - When Yahweh was about to take Elijah up in the storm to heaven, Elijah and Elisha went from Gilgal. Elijah said to
Elisha sees Elijah taken to Heaven on the chariots of fire. (Bible Primer, 1919) Elisha the Merciful Miracle Worker Early in his ministry, Elisha distinguished himself as a compassionate, merciful, miracle-working prophet. Some of those miracles reflected the past and others foreshadowed those of...
intheBible,aHebrewprophetofthe9thcenturywhoenjoyedpoliticalinfluencethroughoutthereignsoffourkingsofIsrael. 例句 You'rerightifyouguessedthatElishasaidhewouldnotleaveElijah. 如果你猜以利沙说他不会离开以利亚,那么你对了。 ThecompanyoftheprophetsatBethelcameouttoElishaand asked, 'Doyouknowthat the Lord is...
One of the captains of the Israelitish army in the garrison was Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. At the time his name was mentioned to Elijah on Horeb he must have been but a youth; now he is one of the boldest and best known of all the warriors of Israel. He ...