小帆帆Elinsure,Hello 小金毛。小帆帆Elinsure的微博主页、个人资料、相册,四川外国语大学。新浪微博,随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿。
小帆帆Elinsure 22-02-16 20:48 来自HUAWEI P20 妈妈又回大竹了,走了好几天了,心里好失落,真想一辈子不要离开妈妈,再等6年妈妈退休了就过来了我们再也不分开了。我都这么大的人了还离不开妈,也不知道我女儿以后大了是不是也和我一样离不开妈。希望我的宝宝快点长大,大到可以和我交流,可以和我一起...
Anreicherung freier Diaminopimelinsure in LactobacillenAcetic acid extracts of several strains of L. bulgaricus and L. helveticus contained a considerable amount of meso- and ll -伪,-diaminopimelic acid. When the cell wall of this strains was studied, it was found that the murein did not ...
process for the production of n - pimelinsure.ERNEST,DR. MEYER,ROBERT
process for the production of methylestern 3 - keto pimelinsure.NATTA,G.PINO,P.
The spheroplasts showed a multiple enhancement of TEM-尾-lactamase activity per mg cell protein compared with rod form cells.doi:10.1007/BF00447299Max MaurerArmel RosseletFritz KnüselSpringer-VerlagArchives of Microbiology
NUKLEINSÄUREFRAGMENTE, REKOMBINANTE VEKTOREN, WELCHE DIESE ENTHALTEN UND VERFAHREN ZUM UNTERSTÜTZEN DER EXPRESSION VON STRUKTURELLEN GENEN DURCH ANWENDUNG DERSELBENNovel nucleic acid fragments having activities to prominently promote expression of structural genes located downstream thereof are disclosed....
Knüsel F, Nüesch J, Scherrer M, Schmid K. Einfluss von Lanthionin auf das Wachstum einer Diaminopimelinsäure-heterotrophen Mutante von Escherichia coli. Pathol Microbiol (Basel) 1967; 30 (6):871–879.Knüsel F., Nüesch J., Scherrer M., Schmid K. : Einfluss von Lanthionin auf...
Because of a high individual variability and the analytical variation width of the DAP/N-ratios no...doi:10.1080/17450399109428505Traude VölkerJ. WünscheEdda BorgmannW.-B. SouffrantTaylor & Francis GroupArchives of Animal Nutrition
2 and hydrazine afford pimelic hydrazide (8).doi:10.1002/prac.19883300307ChristianBischoff,EdithSchroederJournal Fur Praktische Chemie-chemiker-zeitung