It’s not that “to be” verbs are always bad; sometimes writers must use “to be” verbs to communicate exactly what the writer wants to say. In fact, these verb forms canbedifficult to replace. When the verb links to the subject (the do-er) of the sentence as astate of being, ...
verbs such as “solve,”“refine,” or “attract” are fairly descriptive; even with just a single word, you get a sense of what the service or product is intended to do. “To be” verbs are weak and extraneous, and using them too ...
e·lim′i·na′tive, e·lim′i·na·to′ry (-nə-tôr′ē) adj. e·lim′i·na′tor n. Synonyms: eliminate, eradicate, extirpate These verbs mean to nullify someone as a factor or cause an activity or condition to come to an end, especially by using drastic methods: eliminated ...
Example: “I ran to the store yesterday.” (correct) You must know the correct form of past tense for irregular verbs. This can pose a problem for non-native English speakers. Basic Tense Editor Rules for Fixing Verb Tense Mistakes in Text The question you may be asking yourself is how ...
useful, particularly for nonspecialist users, many of whom now regard Google as the internet's front door. The recent fuss over Google's stock market flotation obscures its far wider social significance: few technologies, after all, are so influential that their names become used as verbs. ...
[Latin ēlīmināre,ēlīmināt-, to banish : ē-, ex-, ex- + līmen, līmin-, threshold.] e·lim′i·na′tion n. e·lim′i·na′tive, e·lim′i·na·to′ry (-nə-tôr′ē) adj. e·lim′i·na′tor n. Synonyms: eliminate, eradicate, extirpate These verbs mean to nullify...