If you’veoptimized your page performancein WordPress and are still experiencing problems, render-blocking resources may be the culprit. Sometimes this code is important to run on the first load, but much of the time it can be removed or pushed until the very end of the queue. In this pos...
Therefore, eliminating render-blocking resources can be an effective way to optimize your site to better reach your goals. To review, here are five ways you can eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress:Optimize CSS loading with Jetpack Boost. Defer non-essential JavaScript. Defer off-screen...
Learn effective tactics to eliminate render-blocking resources on your site and how to apply them manually or using the SiteGround Optimizer plugin.
如何使用WP Rocket移除阻塞渲染资源 WP Rocket是一个非常受欢迎的专业的WordPress性能和缓存插件。 WP Rocket对于WordPress的性能所做的不仅仅是缓存,还包括帮助您移除WordPress网站上阻塞渲染的CSS和JavaScript资源。 安装并启用WP Rocket后,转到“File Optimization(文件优化)”选项卡。然后,启用以下两个选项: 在“CSS F...
To improve the eliminate render-blocking resources audit, you can enable certain options under the File Optimization settings to address issues directly related to render blocking. Read our detailed WordPress optimization using WP Rocket guide to know how to do this. As with any plugin or extensio...
To eliminate render-blocking resources on WordPress, you can use off-the-rack plugins. For a free solution, you can use the combination of Autoptimize and Async JavaScript, two plugins from the same developer. If you’re willing to pay, you can use WP Rocket, which offers a special integra...
To improve the eliminate render-blocking resources audit, you can enable certain options under the File Optimization settings to address issues directly related to render blocking. Read our detailedWordPress optimization using WP Rocket guideto know how to do this. ...
Here’s how you can eliminate render-blocking resources using theAutoptimizeplugin: Get the Autoptimize plugin and install it on your WordPress website. Next, go toSettings>Autoptimizefrom the admin panel to configure settings. Under the JavaScript Options section: ...
通过谷歌 pagespeed insight ,找出导致渲染阻塞问题的文件,从WordPress仪表板上”运行性能“->”最小化“,滚动到JS部分,并将Beforeembed类型选择为“使用“defer”进行非阻塞”。 之后,单击“添加样式表”并复制粘贴来自谷歌页面洞察力的CSS样式表URL,这些URL存在渲染阻塞问题。
Render-blocking resources are files that interrupt page loading until they are loaded. Learn how to prevent them from slowing down your WordPress site.