| Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the deada? 使徒行传4:10-12讲到, 站在你们面前的这人得痊愈, 是因你们所钉十字架, 神叫他从死里复活的拿撒勒人耶稣基督的名。 | is become the heada? | Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other...
and then just make them the challenge of this, and say, "Now, if Jesus Christ that I speak of, has raised from the dead, and He promised (Now, we just base it on His Word.) that the things that I do shall you also. And I'm with you always to the end of the world. Now,...
The man whose prayer had raised the dead, had shut and opened heaven, he who had been so wonderfully preserved by God at Cherith and Zarephath, and who dared to tax Ahab to his face with being Israel's troubler, is now terrified and disconsolate, thus affording a practical evidence of ...
Because Jesus knew that the world needed a Savior from sin, and He must die to pay for our sin before He could be our Savior from sin. Acts 4:10-12 says, a?|Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the deada?|is become the heada?|Neither is there salv...
Elijah, as if to infuse some of his own vitality into the body of the dead child, stretched himself upon it three times. We never can tell when a personal touch may win a soul to the Lord. (L. A. Banks, D. D.) Germs of thought Homilist.The resurrection of the widow's son at...
5 You who raised a corpse from death and from Hades, by the word of the Most High;6 who brought kings down to destruction, and famous men from their beds;7 who heard rebuke at Sinai and judgments of vengeance at Horeb;8 who anointed kings to inflict retribution, and prophets to ...
Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. Numbers 16:15 And Moses was very wroth, and said unto the LORD, Respect not thou their offering: I have not taken on...
"The court will now determine allocation of the proceeds between Ms. McClain, the parent who raised Elijah McClain by herself, and LaWayne Mosley," attorneys for Elijah McClain's mother, Sheneen McClain, told ABC Denver affiliate,KMGH.
but with the precious Blood of Christ, a Lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are...
which has a pretty self-explanatory title. Raised to the position of abbess of the Convent of the Mother of God in the small town of Pescia after she received various visions of Jesus Christ, Benedetta was denied sainthood after it was discovered that she engaged in a lesbian relations...