A patient can use moisturizers with ELIDEL Cream, 1%. They should be sure to check with the physician first about the products that are right for them. Because the skin of patients with eczema can be very dry, it is important they keep up good skin care practices. If a patient uses moi...
How is it used? cream that is applied to the skin Uses Side Effects Warnings & Precautions Interactions Overdose/Missed Dose Reviews (89) Uses What is topical pimecrolimus used for? Topical pimecrolimus is commonly used for short-term treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis, which is ...
cream,Novartis)isoneofanewclassofnon-steroidaltopical immunosuppressantmedications.Whenappliedtopically,ithas cutaneousanti-inflammatoryactivityandappearstobe minimallyabsorbedintothecirculation.Safetyandefficacyof pimecrolimus1%creamhavebeenestablishedinseveralwell- ...
How is it used?cream that is applied to the skin Uses What is topical pimecrolimus used for? Topical pimecrolimus is commonly used for short-term treatment of mild to moderateatopic dermatitis, which is a type ofeczema, in some people who do not have a weakened immune system. Topical pimecr...