Erhhung der Weizenproduktion unter aridem Klimastress durch Bio-ElicitorenArid climate has contributed to crops yield production decrement in many regions due to water shortage and soil salinization. The main target of this research is to enhance wheat production under arid climate stresses by ...
Product Name: race-specific protein elicitor AVR4 Synonyms: race-specific protein elicitor AVR4 CAS: MF: MW: 0 EINECS: Mol File: Mol File Information Error Report Your Email: Browse by province race-specific protein elicitor AVR4 Suppliers Global suppliers race-specific protein elicitor AVR...
A glucan elicitor receptor having an amino acid sequence as substantially shown in SEQ ID NO:1; DNA molecules containing nucleotide sequences coding for a glucan elicitor receptor having an amino acid sequence as substantially shown in SEQ ID NO:1, or fragments thereof; DNA molecules containing ...
Product Name:elicitor protein, Phytophthora parasitica Synonyms:elicitor protein, Phytophthora parasitica CAS: MF: MW:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Information Error Report Your Email: Browse by provinceelicitor protein, Phytophthora parasiticaSuppliersGlobal suppliers ...
摘要: (57)< Abstract > As for this invention, new deoxyribonucleic acid arrangement (DNA arrangement), including these DNA arrangements in order to discover the factor which can induce these uses, and plant defense mechanism it regards the use of the plant of the specification which becomes....
Wirkung der Elicitoren Xanthan-Gummi und Allicin gegen Bipolaris sorokiniana an Gerste im Feldallicinbarleyß-1,3-glucanaseBipolaris sorokinianainduced resistancexanthan gumAllicinß-1,3-GlucanaseBipolaris sorokinianaGersteBarley spot blotch, caused by the fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoem., ...
Application of elicitor in controlling soil-borne diseases of garden crops本发明涉及到一种新型诱导抗病激活剂苯并-1,2,3-噻二唑-7-甲酸三氟乙酯(本发明说明书中简称B)的诱导抗病活性,该诱导抗病激活剂对园艺作物土传病害具有明显的诱导抗病效果,诱导抗病谱广,并通过该诱抗剂浸种,苗期及生长期的叶面均匀喷...
This protein or polypeptide can used to impart disease resistance to plants, to enhance plant growth, and/or to control insects on plants. This can be achieved by applying the hypersensitive response elicitor protein or polypeptide in a non-infectious form to plants or plant seeds under ...
Said method for controlling pathogenic organisms of agronomically useful or ornamental plants is essentially characterized in that a novel elicitor contained in the seed extracts of Trigonella foenum graccum is applied to said plants. Said elicitor is applied in the precocious or mature growth states....
Identification and Characterization of Arabidopsis Toxicos en Levadura 12: A Gene Involved in Chitin-Elicitor-Triggered Immunity and Salt ToleranceBiology.Plant sciences.Plant pathology.Plants have evolved complex systems to respond to changes in environmental conditions. Understanding the underlying signal ...