eliciting是什么意思、eliciting怎么读 读音:英[ɪ'lɪsɪtɪŋ] 美[ɪ'lɪsɪtɪŋ] eliciting 基本解释 v. 引出, 探出( elicit的现在分词 ) eliciting 词性变化 原型:elicit 词组短语 1、elicitingstimulus 诱发刺激 2、eliciting/r 引出/r ...
elic·iti-ˈli-sət elicited;eliciting;elicits Synonyms ofelicit transitive verb 1 :to call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response) her remarkselicitedcheers 2 :to draw forth or bring out (somethinglatentorpotential) ...
3. 使用描述进行eliciting教学设计 如果一幅画不奏效,描述这个词或情况。使用定义、同义词和反义词来提供上下文来引出单词或意思。4 使用游戏进行eliciting教学设计 游戏也是常用的elicitation教学设计之一,适当地游戏使用可以激发学生们的学习热望,而且自然地引出话题。但不要试图引出所有的问题。如果使用得当,elicitation...
elicit [e·lic·it || ɪ'lɪsɪt]v. 得出; 抽出;引出
2. If the response you are eliciting is not what you want, then communicate in a different manner.如果你得到了不满意的回答,这时你需要换一种方式去交流。3. It took me couple of days eliciting truth from her.我用了几天时间才从她那儿打探出事实真相。4. I succeeded in eliciting ...
Eliciting & Concept Checking If I can tell you something about this three-month training in the U.K. Please remember one word ---eliciting!!! 启发和引导式教学by Theresa Eliciting---a range of techniques which enables the teacher to get learners to provide information rather than giving it ...
Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromeliciting stimulus) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia stim·u·lus (stĭm′yə-ləs) n.pl.stim·u·li(-lī′) 1.Something causing or regarded as causing a response. 2.An agent, action, or condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psy...
Eliciting 小组成员:13英语2班诸葛倩王佳琪王慧 contents SomePrinciples 5 advantages 2 disadvantages 3 HowtoElicit 4 definition 1 definition Eliciting: Drawingoutinformation,language,ideas,etc fromthestudentsratherthanhavingtheteacher givethem. ForexampleForexample:: ...
Eliciting (elicitation) is term which describes a range of techniques which enable the teacher to get learners to provide information rather than giving it to them. Commonly, eliciting is used to ask learners to come up with vocabulary and language forms and rules, and to brainstorm a topic ...