in an appropriate format to be uploaded to the knowledge base. As an example, the SIREN (SImple REuse of software requiremeNts) method used by Toval et al.[31]draws on MAGERIT, a governmentalinformation systemsrisk analysisand management method, to derive reusable security requirements. These ...
The definition of risk varies depending on the domain and organization. Given this, most currently used systems must first learn organizational preferences by interrogating the system officer. For example, an organization may prefer to focus their security efforts on protecting trade secrets in their ...
Erstellen Sie eine Makrodefinition Beispiel für ein einfaches Makro zum Ersetzen von Zeichenketten Beheben Sie Fehler bei der verarbeiteten Vorlage Verschachtelte Stacks Wartebedingungen Stacks erstellen und verwalten Erstellen eines Stacks Stack-Informationen anzeigen Aktualisiere deine ...
Reasons for similar numbers of articles being identified in the query-based search and the backward/forward search include: the studies using terms such as “elicit requirements”, “requirements”, “requirements evolution” instead of “requirements elicitation”; using keywords which cover only one ...
In particular, these causal models we develop are rooted in an adjusted version of Pearl’s structural causal model (SCM) framework [1]. We adjust the SCM framework by retaining Pearl’s definition of an SCM and applying the same principles forming his do-calculus approach to interventions on...
For purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License. Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to make, ... References Roman, R., Najera, P., Lopez, J.: Securing the internet of things. Computer 44(9), 51–58 (2011) Article Google Scholar Fernandez-Gago, C., Moyano, F., Lopez, J.: Modelling trust dynamics in the internet of things. ...
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches use case formulation procedures based on the diathesis–stress conceptualization model, arranged in two dimensions: emotional vulnerability (present in a patient’s consciousness in terms of core beliefs) and coping strategies. Nevertheless, despite its pivotal...