Kumar, DileepRub, Malik AbdulTon Duc Thang Univ Inst Computat Sci Div Computat Phys Ho Chi Minh City VietnamTenside Surfactants Detergents: Journal for Theory, Technology and Application of SurfactantsD. Kumar, M. A. Rub, Synthesis and Characterization of Dicationic Gemini Surfactant Micelles and ...
Modelling of Phase Transitions and Residual Thermal Stress of CTBN Rub...doi:10.3139/217.0133The implicit finite difference and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used both to solve the heat transfer problem in the pultrusion reaction and to calculate the temperature and conversion distributions ...
Modeling and Practice of Ethanol-devolatilization of Silica-silane Rub...During mixing of a rubber compound containing silica and silane, the mixer is not only used for the dispersion of the filler and other ingredients, but also for a chemical reaction. These two functionalities of the mixer ...