Wave:3 是一款優質的麥克風和數位混音解決方案,融合了即插即用的便利性和廣播級電路。得益於專利的抗失真技術,再也不會出現夾音的情況。結合所有音訊來源,並透過 Wave Link 應用程式建立兩個獨立的混音 - 一個給您,另一個給您的聽眾。
CÁMARAS PROFESIONALES Cam Link 4K Cam Link Pro APPS Epoccam MÁS ACCESORIOS Y RECAMBIOS Teleprompter Teleprompter NUEVO Prompter Comprobación de cámara More Accessories & Spare Parts MICRÓFONOS Micrófonos e interfaces NUEVO Wave Neo Wave:3 Wave DX Wave XLR Brazos y soportes de micrófono...
I also love the fact that it works with Elgato's Wave Link software, letting me fine-tune the audio settings and make the most out of it. Not to mention, you can also hop-in into the Elgato marketplace and get effects to remove background noise, add warmth, bass, and more, if you...
Crackling/Popping sound every hours ( since I installed Wave Link ) Hello, I have had a sound problem since December 2023: When I stream, my audio crackles every hour on my stream, then stops after a few minutes. I don't hear it personally but you can hear it on my stream I was ...
A Marketplace account helps you get the most out of Elgato devices and apps. Personalize your hardware with plugins, designs, and voice effects. Skip the setup as assets install automatically to Stream Deck and Wave Link. Then view and manage your entire digital library all at once. ...
Stream Deck + integrates seamlessly with Elgato software, namely Camera Hub, Control Center and the lauded Wave Link virtual mixer, which is unlocked for all Stream Deck + owners to enjoy professional control over multiple audio sources and VST effects such as EQ, compression, or reverb. Both ...
A Marketplace account helps you get the most out of Elgato devices and apps. Personalize your hardware with plugins, designs, and voice effects. Skip the setup as assets install automatically to Stream Deck and Wave Link. Then view and manage your entire digital library all at once. ...
独家首创,颠覆常规。全面覆盖所有用户和工作流程。 US$249.99 Stream Deck XL 面向专业用户的32键版本。转播、直播、内容编辑的优选利器。 US$59.99 Stream Deck Mini 身材小小,性能佼佼。居家办公得力助手。 US$89.99 Stream Deck Pedal 3块控制踏板,全面解放双手。游戏主播、音乐人、演讲介绍、内容转录的不二选择。
Wave link 打造你的标志性声音无需手动安装,即可从Marketplace直接添加音效到Wave Link混音器。 将他们应用到任何输入通道,如麦克风、游戏或语音聊天等,随后自定义设置,即可打造你的专属声音。 OBS Studio 打造你的品牌借助出自知名设计师之手的叠加层、转场特效和小组件来打造精彩场景。 直接从Marketplace寻找并下载图...
Wave Link software. Likewise, onboard controls allow you to dial in the perfect output before your sound makes its way to your connected device. Topped off with built-in Phantom Power and an interchangeable faceplate, the WaveXLR can integrate into nearly any setup to provide enhanced, ...