A Marketplace account helps you get the most out of Elgato devices and apps. Personalize your hardware with plugins, designs, and voice effects. Skip the setup as assets install automatically to Stream Deck and Wave Link. Then view and manage your entire digital library all at once. ...
Wave Link Elgato Control Center Elgato Screen Link Elgato Stream Deck Elgato Streamdeck Mobile Elgato Game Capture Elgato Camera Hub Our “Platforms” including: Elgato MarketplaceUnless explicitly stated otherwise, any new products, services, or features that augment or enhance the current ...
Create an account Life is easier when everything's connected A Marketplace account helps you get the most out of Elgato devices and apps. Personalize your hardware with plugins, designs, and voice effects. Skip the setup as assets install automatically to Stream Deck and Wave Link. Then view...
Wave link Créez votre signature sonoreAjoutez des effets audio issus du Marketplace directement à votre console de mixage Wave Link, sans installation manuelle. Appliquez-les à n'importe quel canal audio (micro, jeux, chat vocal, etc.), puis personnalisez les paramètres pour créer votre ...