Stream Deckmobile 指尖轻触,实时掌控 掌控一切工作流程 直播 对话 灯光 音频 编辑 全都可以用您的手機和平板電腦操作 ...在支架上 让STREAM DECK火力全开 配置文件 创建专属按键布局,随心定制操作功能 文件夹 操作整理分组,查找使用便捷 图标 炫彩图片动画素材,按键外观个性十足 ...
- USB Connection requires Stream Deck 6.7 or later on your computer. To connect Stream Deck Mobile via USB to Windows, the Apple Devices app from the Microsoft store is required. # Bugfix This update resolves an issue where virtual devices were not listed after pairing with a computer. We ...
- USB Connection requires Stream Deck 6.7 or later on your computer. To connect Stream Deck Mobile via USB to Windows, the Apple Devices app from the Microsoft store is required. # Bugfix This update resolves an issue where virtual devices were not listed after pairing with a computer. We ...
- USB Connection requires Stream Deck 6.7 or later on your computer. To connect Stream Deck Mobile via USB to Windows, the Apple Devices app from the Microsoft store is required. # Bugfix This update resolves an issue where virtual devices were not listed after pairing with a computer. We ...
CONTROL APPS AND TOOLS WITH A VIRTUAL KEY PRESS Stream Deck Mobile is a full-fledged recreation of our iconic Stream Deck keypad. Now with an all-new design,…
Stream Deck Mobile可以在iPhone的屏幕上显示15个按键,提供Stream Deck的所有功能,并可实现无线连接。这款应用程序可以通过扫描二维码的方式轻松进行配对,并与您在桌面应用程序上设置的所有操作进行同步。Stream Deck Mobile可从Apple App Store免费下载试用,完整版的价格为2.99美元/月或24.99美元/年。
StreamDeck Mobile APP 为了让更多人能够体验Stream Deck,Elgato推出了一个可免费体验30天的stream deck app,官网可下载。 这个APP支持IOS/Android双系统,拥有Stream Deck全部功能,15个虚拟按键,可完全自定义图标和功能。深度集成 OBS, Philips Hue, iCUE, Zoom 等常用软件,可控制同局域网内的Elgato全家桶,支持Siri...
因为在手机端,通过Stream Deck Mobile APP 可以免费体验30天完整的Stream Deck功能,在手机上也可以设置15个虚拟按键,完全可以和Stream Deck硬件一样实现自定义图标、功能。深度集成 OBS, Philips Hue, iCUE, Zoom 等常用软件。支持Siri,用语音命令来启动应用、开启直播或打开灯光等(Elgato也有自己的麦克风以及灯光...
Make your setup as minimal or as complex as you want. Easy to customize and even easier to use, Stream Deck is your masterpiece. Actions Multi Actions Folders Profiles Icons Accounts System Actions TAKE COMMAND When you tap a key you trigger an action. What that action does is your decisio...
灯效动图来一张,配上Wallpaper Engine上的动态桌面,那叫一个炫目。Stream Deck XL可以直接控制海盗船的iCUE软件,一个按键就能够切换不同灯效,非常方便。 StreamDeck Mobile APP 为了让更多人能够体验Stream Deck,Elgato推出了一个可免费体验30天的stream deck app,官网可下载。