elgatohd60sobc black screentwo pc stream Replies: 1 Forum:Windows Support M Problems running OBS and ElgatoHDs what is it? Hello, I have been trying to stream my switch but feel sorta defeated because I can't seem to get it to stream properly. I start up elgato and obs and I start ...
Elgato HD60 s+ Black screen Hallo, ich hab mir die Elgato HD60 s+ gekauft und eingerichtet. PS4 mit der Elgato verbunden und alles klappt Bild und so kommt in der 4k Utility Anwendung In OBS habe ich dann eine Videoaufnahmegerät Szene gemacht und meine Elgato Game Capture HD60 S+ ...
Duomigo USB 3.0 4K HDTV Video Capture Card with Loop-Out, 1080P 60FPS/2K 30FPS, Audio Video Capture for Computer Gaming, Compatible with PS5, Switch, Xbox ,Camera, PC, OBS 1704.8 out of 5 Stars. 170 r...
abletondiscord audiodiscord streamingelgatohow to fix squeaky voice in obsmacmulti output deobs 27.1.3squeaksteinberg Replies: 0 Forum:Mac Support I Black Video output after finishing a recording Hello! I just came upon an issue where, when recording an elgato input, my finished file is black ...
Black side bars I utilize a stretched resolution in certain games, such as 1680x1050. I make the necessary adjustments either by modifying the canvas to match this resolution or by transforming the display capture to encompass the entire screen. Nevertheless, when I project my screen onto the ...
everyone. I have a PS5 and a Nintendo Switch connected to my Elgato HD60S+ via a HDMI Switcher. While running OBS, the moment I switch devices, the review screen in OBS freezes (every time!). This also happens without the HDMI Switcher (when manually changing the HDMI cables in the.....
Elgato HD60 S+ showing a black screen on ps3 I have tried to connect the elgato to a laptop to record and it shows image for a few seconds but then it goes black, but in the elgato software it works perfectly but i prefer obs, anyone knows how to fix it? if I need to post ...