这个问题通常出现在使用交叉编译工具链时,目标模拟类型(target emulation)与预期的不匹配。elf64-littleriscv 表示64位的Little Endian RISC-V目标架构,而 elf32-littleriscv 表示32位的Little Endian RISC-V目标架构。错误表明编译环境或参数设置不正确,导致编译工具链尝试生成与目标架构不匹配的二进制文件。 检查编译...
Hi, I am getting a similar error which says "target emulation elf64-littleriscv' does not match elf32-littleriscv' ", I am trying to build Pk and I am using a riscv64-unknown-elf toolchain which is multilib. When I try to use toolchain with my 32-bit core which I wrote with Ve...