An Elf Goodbye Letter is the perfect way to say goodbye to your Elf on the Shelf. Your children have just enjoyed a month of fun and hilarious moments with the Elf, and it can be hard to let go. A letter from the Elf will help them reflect on all the joy that they've had togeth...
If you have used our Goodbye Elf letters in the past, this year for 2023 we have added 25 new ones! There are now a total of 31 Elf on the shelf goodbye letter printables to pick from! I may have gotten a bit excited while making new ones and gone a little overboard, but hey it...
Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas Tradition. The tradition has a book and a elf doll. The book is poetic and in rhyme sharing the purpose of the Elf’s visits. The Elf visits each Thanksgiving. He/She goes and returns from the North Pole each evening. Every morning he can be found i...
NEW Elf on the Shelf Ideas for 2024 These are the latest and the greatest! Brand NEW Elf on the Shelf ideas JUST IN for 2023!! I’ll keep adding more when I find them, so be sure to bookmark this page! 1. Elf on the Shelf Donut Shop Cheerios are just perfect for making elf-si...
Today we have a massive list of Elf on the Shelf ideas. If Elf on the Shelf makes a visit to your house every December, you may feel the pressure of
I am happy to share printables. When sharing with others, please lead them to my website instead of emailing them the file(s). Thanks for visiting and thanks for sharing with others! Christmas Resources for The Elf on the Shelf Here at Frugal Coupon Living, our mission is to make The ...
I am sure you all have heard of the Christmas tradition, Elf on the Shelf. I made this letter for the arrival of Millie’s elf. It is her first year having her own since we now have our own place and she is absolutely loving it! I am making the letter available for free download...
MORE ELF PRINTABLES FROM OVER THE BIG MOON Don’t forget to check out more fun printables and Elf on the Shelf Printables & Ideas HERE! Be sure to check out all of our other Elf on the Shelf ideas! Elf on the Shelf Return Letter Easy Elf on the Shelf Ideas Elf on the Shelf ...
Elf on the Shelf letter and note supplies Elf on the Shelf Letters to Santa Santa’s special paper shrinks your child’s letters to Elf-size for personal delivery each night. After Santa reads them, he transforms them into keepsakeornamentsthat Scout Elves return for families to use year aft...
I am sure you all have heard of the Christmas tradition,Elf on the Shelf.I made this letter for the arrival of Millie’s elf. It is her first year having her own since we now have our own place and she is absolutely loving it!