案件参数:起诉时间:2022/11/18案件号:22-cv-4594原告品牌:THE ELF ON THE SHELF 书架上的精灵品牌方:CCA AND B, LLC律所:THE SLADKUS LAW GROUP起诉地:美国佐治亚州品牌介绍:CCA AND B, LLC 是美国佐治亚州一家公司,全名 Creatively Classic Activities and Books, LLC ,由双胞胎姐妹 Chanda A. Bell...
CCA AND B, LLC 是美国佐治亚州一家公司,全名 Creatively Classic Activities and Books, LLC ,由双胞胎姐妹 Chanda A. Bell 和 Christa Pitts 还有她们的妈妈 Carol Aebersold 一同于2005年创办,主要产品是 The Elf on the Shelf 书架上的精灵: 品牌官网: https://elfontheshelf.com/ 注册商标+版权: 首先是...
案件号:22-cv-4594 原告品牌:THE ELF ON THE SHELF 书架上的精灵 品牌方:CCA AND B, LLC 律所:THE SLADKUS LAW GROUP 起诉地:美国佐治亚州 品牌介绍: CCA AND B, LLC 是美国佐治亚州一家公司,全名 Creatively Classic Activities and Books, LLC ,由双胞胎姐妹 Chanda A. Bell 和 Christa Pitts 还有她们...
The Elf on the Shelf pals are here with polarific props to help make setup and cleanup of their … Read More All New The Elf on the Shelf Children’s Books Discover the elftastic magic of the North Pole with these new, exciting books! The Elf on the Shelf has teamed up with ...
关于这个产品,今年四月份的时候已经发起过维权案,原告是CCA AND B, LLC公司,它是美国佐治亚州一家公司,全名 Creatively Classic Activities and Books, LLC ,2005年有双胞胎姐妹 Chanda A. Bell 和 Christa Pitts 还有她们的妈妈 Carol Aebersold 一同创办,主要产品是 The Elf on the Shelf 书架上的精灵 ...
Bring magic to your holiday with The Elf on the Shelf Boy Scout Elf with Blue Eyes. Includes Storybook, Keepsake Box and Adoption Certificate.
CCA AND B, LLC 是美国佐治亚州一家公司,全名 Creatively Classic Activities and Books, LLC ,由双胞胎姐妹 Chanda A. Bell 和 Christa Pitts 还有她们的妈妈 Carol Aebersold 一同于2005年创办,主要产品是 The Elf on the Shelf 书架上的精灵: 品牌官网: https://elfontheshelf.com/ 注册商标+版权: 首先是...
FUNKO POP! Books: Elf on the Shelf - Elf, Funko, Gifts Free shipping, arrivesin 3+ days The Elf on the Shelf 12" Plushee Pal Snuggler Elf Light Girl & Light Boy, with an Elf's Story DVD $39.99 current price $39.99 The Elf on the Shelf 12" Plushee Pal Snuggler Elf Ligh...
原告品牌:THE ELF ON THE SHELF 书架上的精灵 品牌方:CCA AND B, LLC 律所:THE SLADKUS LAW GROUP 起诉地:美国佐治亚州 品牌介绍: CCA AND B, LLC 是美国佐治亚州一家公司,全名 Creatively Classic Activities and Books, LLC ,由双胞胎姐妹 Chanda A. Bell 和 ChristaPitts 还有她们的妈妈 Carol Aebersold ...
A magnetic tree and a Santa sat for a photo with a pile of sticker books. Not personal, not worth the nearly £100 spent on it. Every parent in there looked liked they regretted it. Surely Bluewater Management knew how underwhelming this was after their run of good Santa’s workshops?