When DWARF 1.0 debugging information is included by the linker in the ELF executable, the file contains the following ELF Sections, each of which has a Section Header Table entry: DWARF version 2.0 When DWARF 2.0 debugging information is included by the linker in the ELF executable, the file ...
When DWARF 1.0 debugging information is included by the linker in the ELF executable, the file contains the following ELF Sections, each of which has a Section Header Table entry: DWARF version 2.0 When DWARF 2.0 debugging information is included by the linker in the ELF executable, the file ...
-fpic,使用于在目标机支持编译共享库时使用。编译出的代码将通过全局偏移表(Global Offset Table)中的常数地址访存,动态装载器将在程序开始执行时解析GOT表项(注意,动态装载器操作系统的一部分,连接器是GCC的一部分)。而gcc中的-fPIC选项则是针对某些特殊机型做了特殊处理,比如适合动态链接并能避免超出GOT大小限制之...
AI代码解释 typedef struct elf64_sym{Elf64_Word st_name;/* Symbol name, index in string tbl */unsigned char st_info;/* Type and binding attributes */unsigned char st_other;/* No defined meaning, 0 */Elf64_Half st_shndx;/* Associated section index */Elf64_Addr st_value;/* Value ...
Elf64_Word st_name; // Symbol name, index in string tbl unsigned char st_info; // Type and binding attributes unsigned char st_other; // No defined meaning, 0 Elf64_Half st_shndx; // Associated section index Elf64_Addr st_value; // Value of the symbol Elf64_Xword st_size; /...
{ Elf64_Word st_name; /* Symbol name, index in string tbl */ unsigned char st_info; /* Type and binding attributes */ unsigned char st_other; /* No defined meaning, 0 */ Elf64_Half st_shndx; /* Associated section index */ Elf64_Addr st_value; /* Value of the symbol */ ...
著名的GNU、bootloader、U-Boot就采用了这种做法。例如,编译器工具集GCC的BIN生成工具是elf2bin。ARM公司虽然使用的是自家的armcc编译器,但是也提供了fromelf工具来实现上面的方式。 二、ARM ELF文件格式 ARM的ELF文件总体来说和标准ELF并没有多少差别。符合ELF的两种组织方式:连接视图和运行视图。
Elf64_Word st_name; /* Symbol name, index in string tbl */ unsigned char st_info; /* Type and binding attributes */ unsigned char st_other; /* No defined meaning, 0 */ Elf64_Half st_shndx; /* Associated section index */
- US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD)展开表 Contact Name Elfsquad URL https://elfsquad.io Email info@elfsquad.io展开表 Connector Metadata Publisher Elfsquad B.V. Website https://elfsquad.io Privacy policy https://www.elfsqu...
- 米国政府 (GCC High) - 21 Vianet が運用する中国のクラウド - 米国国防総省 (DoD) テーブルを展開する お問い合わせ先 メール support@elfsquad.io テーブルを展開する Connector Metadata 発行者 Elfsquad Web サイト https://elfsquad.io プライバシー ポリシー https://www.elfsqua...