[before 1000; Middle English, back formation fromelven,Old Englishelfennymph (i.e., female elf); seeelfin] elf′like`,adj. ELF orelf, extremely low frequency. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc...
Bond formationA first approach to the relationship between the electron localization function (ELF) and electronic delocalization upon bond formation is provided. We show from first principles the ability of ELF at the bond critical points to act as an index of the electron reorganization involved ...
[before1000;MiddleEnglish,backformationfromelven,OldEnglishelfennymph(i.e.,femaleelf);seeelfin] elf′like`,adj. ELF orelf, extremely low frequency. RandomHouseKernermanWebster'sCollegeDictionary,©2010KDictionariesLtd.Copyright2005,1997,1991byRandomHouse,Inc.Allrightsreserved. ...
摘 要 电子定域函数理论可以清晰和定量化描述理论化学研究的基本对象———化学键,已在原子、分 子及固体体系中得到广泛应用。本文系统介绍了电子定域函数(E LF )理论方法的基本物理思想;对E LF 函数的一些特点如数值稳定性、E LF 与分子中的原子理论(A I M 理论)方法的异同及E LF 的拓扑分析进行了说明;对...
Wood Elves emerged after the Crown Wars, blending several elven kinds. Following the collapse of ancient elven nations, many elves chose a nomadic lifestyle, leading to the formation of Wood Elves. They founded realms like Eaerlann and sought peaceful coexistence with neighboring humans and dwarves...
像往常一样访问PONS.com并进行广告跟踪和广告投放 接受并继续有关追踪的详细信息,请参阅数据保护信息和隐私设置。 PONS Pur 无第三方广告 无广告跟踪 从 每月2,09€ 立即订阅 如果您已经拥有PONS.com免费账户,您可以在此订阅无广告版的PONS。 出版事项说明数据保护设置隐私范围...
many known LRR family proteins, it has been proposed that ELFN1 could serve as a neuronal adhesion molecule and play an integral role in synapse formation and differentiation via the coordination of both pre- and postsynaptic machineries, thereby involved in neurite outgrowth, axon guidance, ...
摘 要 电子定域函数理论可以清晰和定量化描述理论化学研究的基本对象———化学键,已在原子、分 子及固体体系中得到广泛应用。本文系统介绍了电子定域函数(E LF )理论方法的基本物理思想;对E LF 函数的一些特点如数值稳定性、E LF 与分子中的原子理论(A I M 理论)方法的异同及E LF 的拓扑分析进行了说明;对...
Then, ants, butterflies, dragonflies, and mantises also set up a “formation”: suspension bridges, swinging log bridges, climbing nets, and slides surround the Elf Forest into a “trap.” 小朋友们需发挥平衡力和协调力,全神贯注调动身体的所有感官和肌肉,或通过与他人的团队合作,激发乐观友爱的积极...
a密林带的形成 Dense forest belt formation[translate] amin measurement 极小的测量[translate] a有一种爱,叫做隐身对其可见。 Some one kind of love, named stealth to it obviously.[translate] aLabor Market 劳动力市场[translate] aVerification of employment for 就业的证明为[translate] ...