Display informationfromobject<file(s)>. Atleastoneofthe following switches must be given: -a,--archive-headers Display archive header information -f,--file-headers Display the contents of the overall file header -p,--private-headers Display object format specific file header contents -P,--privat...
-s,--full-contents Display the full contents of all sections requested -g,--debugging Display debug information in object file -e,--debugging-tags Display debug information using ctags style -G,--stabs Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file -d: 将代码段反汇编 -S:将代码段反...
-s, --full-contents Display the full contents of all sections requested -g, --debugging Display debug information in object file -e, --debugging-tags Display debug information using ctags style -G, --stabs Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file -W[lLiaprmfFsoRtUuTgAckK] or...
ELFCLASS64: ELF-64 Object File ELFCLASS32: ELF-32 Object File e_type: Nothing RISC-V specific. e_machine: Identifies the machine this ELF file targets. Always contains EM_RISCV (243) for RISC-V ELF files. We only support RISC-V v2 family ISAs, this support is implicit. e_flags: D...
Next part is the data field. It knows two options: 01 forLSB(Least Significant Bit), also known as little-endian. Then there is the value 02, forMSB(Most Significant Bit, big-endian). This particular value helps to interpret the remaining objects correctly within the file. This is importa...
Code signature verifying method of ELF file form本发明公开了一种ELF文件格式的代码签名验证方法,用户请求执行ELF文件时,系统首先判断"系统验证级别",根据确的级别确定被执行文件的"文件验证级别",然后依据该级别规定的内容执行相应的程序;系统验证级别设有0、1、2、3四级,其中0级不验证代码签名,1、2级分别设置...
bool mmapOutputFile; bool nmagic;-bool noDynamicLinker = false;bool noinhibitExec; bool nostdlib; bool oFormatBinary;diff --git a/lld/ELF/Driver.cpp b/lld/ELF/Driver.cppindex 9d0c992c1e8516..d92338608b059d 100644--- a/lld/ELF/Driver.cpp+++ b/lld/ELF/Driver.cpp@@ -781,11 +781,...
Operation ID: Quotations_AddFile Adds a file to a quotation Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Id id True uuid Identifier of the quotation File File True file Upload file Copy featuresOperation ID: Features_Copy Copies multiple features and returns the newly created features ...
ELFElectronic Application Form File ELFElvish Linguistic Fellowship(J.R.R. Tolkien) ELFElectronic Filing ELFEritrean Liberation Front(Eritrea) ELFEnglish Language Fellow(various locations) ELFEnvironmental Law Foundation ELFEpithelial Lining Fluid(medical) ...
Operation ID: Quotations_AddFile Adds a file to a quotation Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Id id True uuid Identifier of the quotation File File True file Upload file Copy features Operation ID: Features_Copy Copies multiple features and returns the newly created features...