Some of them, such as Lorekeeper Amberwind and Estulan, have even helped established new outposts, such as the Darnassian Base Camp in Azshara and the Tower of Estulan in Feralas. Most recently, Highborne night elves such as Sarvonis and Ralara contributed immensely to the night elves' ...
The Wainriders were defeated in the Battle of the Camp and were driven out of Ithilien. The Nazgul returned to Mordor and in 2000 they besieged Minas Ithil. They captured the city in 2002 and it became their stronghold and was renamed Minas Morgul. The Morgul Vale was a place of fear ...
[54] Vereesa and her quel'dorei elves also shared a camp with Tyrande and her kaldorei with no significant tension during the events of Suramar, and Alleria Windrunner also teleported to An'daroth when seeking to recruit the void elves. ...