ELF/VLF wave generation via ionospheric HF heating:Experimental comparison of amplitude modulation, beam painting, and geometric modulation. Cohen M B,Inan U S,Golkowski M, et al. Chinese Journal of Geophysics . 2010Cohen, M. B., U. S. Inan, M. Gołkowski, and M. J. McCarrick (...
Simultaneous observation of whistlers and emissions during a geomagnetically quiet period at low latitude A unique night-time natural electromagnetic disturbances in the VLF/ELF range received during a magnetically quite period at a low latitude Indian ground s... Ashutosh,K.,Singh,... - 《Astrophy...
We find that the steering techniques such as the geometric modulation "circle sweep" enhances the total ELF/VLF power injected into the magnetosphere by 5–7 dB compared to amplitude modulated heating, with a few dB enhancement in the peak magnetic field value. Another technique known as beam ...
[1] On 15 October 1999, charged particle and plasma wave detectors on the Polar satellite observed an enhancement in precipitating energetic electrons coincident with an ELF/VLF electromagnetic emission. Assuming that the electromagnetic wave was field aligned and scattered trapped electrons by first-...
We also observed dayside ELF/VLF wave enhancement, possibly driven by magnetospheric compression by solar wind, over an MLT extent of at least 5 h. Ground observations tend not to observe ELF/VLF waves in the post-midnight sector, although other methods clearly show the existence of waves. ...