If you liked these funny elf jokes, check out more Christmas jokeshere! How about these rofl-inducingreindeer jokes? Or maybe you fancy some sillysnowmen jokes? And if you're not in the Christmas spirit, we've even got these greatGrinch jokes! For more lols, check out thegreat joke gene...
Read the full-text online article and more details about Goodbye 'Elf and Safety; PM Announces Review of 'Joke' Regulations.Daily Mail (London)
i would like to say that i really am glad that u guys make my presents and i was also gonna say that i could chher up scunner by giving him a cookie. tell scunner htat i said he is a good guy and tell him to use the front door because we have no fire place in our house and...
This privacy fosters a sense of trust and safety, enabling individuals to open up about their needs without the anxiety of being misunderstood or stigmatized. In this safe space, people can embrace their desires without the pressure of societal norms, allowing for a healthier exploration of their...
There’s definitely safety in numbers when you have a child with SEND (or even in fact, just if you have children)! Ice cream fun. Audrey still tests me of course, sneakily creating a bit of distance in the park or running off ahead around a big garden visit and she often decides ...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "What a Joke! Now Elf 'N'safety Police Ban Clown's Shoes" - Daily Mail (London), April 23, 2009Daily Mail (London)
Read the full-text online article and more details about "What a Joke! Now Elf 'N' Safety Ban a Clown's Size 18s" - Daily Mail (London), April 23, 2009Daily Mail (London)
Byline: Daniel Martin Political CorrespondentDaily Mail (London)