上周刚好来到纽约旅游,之前从没吃过轮胎社星级的餐厅再加上看过很多介绍轮胎社星级餐厅“美味到流泪”,“life changing experience”的博客和vlog,于是一口气预定了三家来尝一尝,改变一下自己的人生观。 结果上来的第一家米其林三星Eleven Madison Park确实令我震惊了,我对它的评价是: “Satan doesn’t even have ...
Eleven Madison Park11 Madison Ave., New York, 10010, USA $$$ · Vegan, Innovative Three Stars: Exceptional cuisine Chef Daniel Humm presides over this temple of modern elegance with a zealous dedication to masterful precision. Nothing is out of place and everything is custom made, from the...
Eleven Madison Park11 Madison Ave., New York, 10010, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika $$$ · Vegan, Innovativ Besucht Favorit Drei Sterne: eine einzigartige Küche Chef Daniel Humm presides over this temple of modern elegance with a zealous dedication to masterful precision. Nothing is out of ...
Eleven Madison Park’s Bar Menu Is a Stellar Gateway Drug to Artistic Fine Dining ByRyan SuttonJune 21, 2018 Filed under: A.M. Intel Daniel Humm on Eleven Madison’s Fall on ‘World’s Best’: Closing Was ‘Probably Not the Best Idea’ ...
前几天网上新闻说纽约EMP(Eleven Madison Park)餐厅的主厨Daniel Humm和餐厅经理 Will Guidara 宣布因对餐厅的长期规划存在分歧而选择分道扬镳,Daniel Humm 将回购 Will Guidara 持有的Make It Nice餐饮集团股份,而 Will Guidara 将组建属于自己的餐厅团队。这下拖了很久的EMP探店之旅不得不写了。
Eleven Madison Park is a fine-dining restaurant driven by a commitment to serve the most delicious food with the most gracious hospitality. We feature a thoughtful multi-course menu, inspired by local and seasonal ingredients. Led by Chef Daniel Humm, the kitchen and dining ...
继前两家店之后,春节吃的第三家纽约米其林三星——Eleven Madison Park. EMP曾在2017年世界Top 50餐厅 (The World’s 50 Best Restaurants) 排第一,之后就进入了Best of Best组了 ,个人感觉体验是这次吃的三家三星店里最好的一家... 选了Dining Room Tasting Menu,两人共750 USD. ...
打分 口味:5.0 环境:5.0 服务:5.0 Eleven Madison Park Michelin Three Star New York, World 50 Best #1 by Chef Daniel Humm! One of the most comfortable fine dining ever had! Eleven Madison Park ¥2369/人 美国 纽约 西餐 3 4 5 9
Eleven Madison Parkis a plant-based fine dining restaurant that overlooks Madison Square Park in New York City. First opened in 1998 as a French brasserie, the restaurant has been headed by Chef Daniel Humm since 2006 and owned by his company Make it Nice Hospitality since 2011. Eleven Madiso...
Eleven Madison Park: Plant-based fine dining restaurant with 4 stars from The New York Times and 3 stars from the Michelin Guide. By Chef Daniel Humm.