AI Voice Generator Unmute AI safety at ElevenLabs AI audio boosts creativity, productivity, and accessibility. Our focus is on building safe, reliable products that drive innovation and help overcome communication barriers. view safety page Empowering businesses, creative minds, and people worldwide Cus...
首先,先把这个AI工具的网页进行分享:ElevenLabs:Text to Speech & AI Voice Generator | ElevenLabs(注:该链接无需用到小火箭,可以直接登陆),之前没有注册过的先去注册一下就可以使用咯。 好了,话不多说,关于如何使用AI工具ElevenLabs制作声音,球球直接给大家上截图,有需要的朋友跟着截图来操作就行啦! OK,那...
Now your voice can be used to say things in all kinds of different languages, while still sounding like you.
ElevenLabs 推出全新AI语音生成工具 Voice Design 你可以通过文本提示即可创建个性化语音 而且允许你调整语音的多种特征,包括年龄、口音、性别、语调、音高等,以生成逼真且具有情感的AI语音。 用户可以通过...
In summary, ElevenLabs is an AI voice generator and text-to-speech platform that provides realistic voices for a wide array of applications, empowering users to create engaging and high-quality audio content efficiently. ElevenLabs
ElevenLabs日前发布全新AI语音生成工具Voice Design,通过简单的文本描述即可创建个性化语音,开创了AI配音领域的新纪元。 这款工具最大的特点是其直观的文本提示功能。用户只需描述所需声音的特征,如"温暖友好的中年女性声音,带着轻微英国口音",系统便能快速生成符合要求的语音。 Voice Design支持调节多个语音参数,包括...
ElevenLabs just introduced Voice Design, a new AI voice generation that allows you to generate a unique voice from a text prompt alone. Text-to-speech is a very useful feature, but it has become very common, with few good options available. When we look ...
注册地址:Text to Speech & AI Voice Generator | ElevenLabs 这是他的首页,大家可以通过谷歌邮箱完成注册。 注册完后到它的主操作界面 声音训练 点击voices的菜单(新版本已经改成这种菜单了),在这个界面上,最多可以上传25个文件,支持音频和视频格式。建议上传清晰的人声,避免嘈杂的背景音。每个文件大小不超过10兆...
Harness the capabilities of the ElevenLabs API, a powerful AI voice generator. Learn how to transform text into speech and clone voices with this technology. May 17, 2024 · 9 min read Contents What are Text-to-Speech Engines? What is ElevenLabs? Text-to-speech Using the ElevenLabs API...
Eleven Labs的声音产生器(Voice Generator),供用户在有声读物、游戏等应用添加人声语音,但官方提到,因为他们当前的演讲者库太小,导致用户常难以产生符合应用需求的声音,因此Eleven Labs发展新的解决方案,提供用户以全新方式设计合成声音。 官方解释,他们新方法的灵感,来自于语音合成和语音复制,都会使用到的语音特征编码方...