vardenali =newgoogle.maps.LatLng(63.3333333, -150.5); functioninitialize() { varmyOptions = { zoom: 8, center: denali, mapTypeId:'terrain' } map =newgoogle.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions); // Create an ElevationService elevator =newgoogle.maps.ElevationService()...
Elevation Global是覆盖全球的高程数据。已开发并提供了两个时期的数据,即版本1和版本2。数据分辨率分别为:30 arcseconds(1km)和 15 arcseconds(500m)。该数据集的分辨率为1000米。 Elevation - Global version - Global Map ( Global Version Elevation (GVE)是一个由Google Earth Engin...
认证错误:使用Google Maps Elevation API时,需要进行身份验证以获得访问权限。请确保您提供了有效的API密钥,并且已正确配置身份验证。 如果您遇到了参数传递错误,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 仔细检查参数:确保参数的名称、格式和取值范围都正确。 查阅API文档:详细阅读Google Maps Elevation API的官方文档,了解每...
比如获取某个位置的海拔,格式为,longitude&sensor=true 其海拔值就包含在XML格式的返回数据中了。 具体调用说明,请参看Elevation Service文档,API:
google.maps.ElevationService Kurs Definiert eine Dienstklasse, die direkt mit Google-Servern kommuniziert, um Daten zur Höhe anzufordern. Rufe const {ElevationService} = await google.maps.importLibrary("elevation") auf, um auf die Daten zuzugreifen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Bibl...
This satellite technology is also used to determine your precise location and help you navigate in apps like Google Maps. Your phone acts as a receiver for satellite data. The time it takes for each of the satellite signals to reach the receiver are measured in relation to each other and ...
import; import; import; import; import*; import flash.display.*; var map:Map = new Map(); map.key = "your_api_key"; map.sensor = "false...
Digital 3D is currently a hot research,and elevation is the foundation of three-dimensional modeling.However,it is difficult to get China's large and medium scale topographic maps,and the map scanning and vectorization are a waste of time and money,modeling relatively complex.Google Earth not onl...,-104.9847034&sensor=true_or_false { "status": "OK", "results": [ { "location": { "lat": 39.7391536, "lng": -104.9847034 }, "elevation": 1608.8402100 } ] }