The current height of Mount Everest has been deduced to 8848 meters or 29,028 feet above the sea level. It was in 1852 that this giant was first measured. Some sporadic efforts for its measurement were done earlier too but all of them were abandoned in the middle. In the year 1852, Th...
getMCC Mobile country code. getMNC Mobile network code. getMobileBrand Mobile carrier brand. getElevation Average height of city above sea level in meters (m). getUsageType Usage type classification of ISP or company: (COM) Commercial (ORG) Organization (GOV) Government (MIL) Military (EDU)...
HTTP_X_COUNTRY_ELEVATIONAverage height of city above sea water in meters (m). HTTP_X_COUNTRY_USAGE_TYPEUsage type classification of ISP or company: (COM) Commercial (ORG) Organization (GOV) Government (MIL) Military (EDU) University/College/School ...