Doctors test for white blood cell (WBC) count to measure the number of white blood cells in your body. This blood test is usually done as part of a standard complete blood count (CBC) test. White blood cells are also called leukocytes and they are part of your immune system. They attac...
Of the 20,050 persons aged 17 years or older who were interviewed, 18,162 were subsequently examined in a mobile examination center or in their homes. Persons with missing data on height, body weight, or serum CRP level (n = 1239) and pregnant women (n = 307, validated by urine ...
Children with a white blood cell count above 10×109 cells/L or a C-Reactive Protein level greater than 6 mg/L were excluded from the analysis, due to concerns about the effects of infection and/or inflammation on some iron measurements [47–50]. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) was defined...
Complete blood counts revealed hemoglobin 109 g/L, mean corpuscular volume 82.4 fL, white blood cell count 8.1 × 109/L, normal differential counts, and platelets 187 × 109/L. Prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and bleeding time were within normal range. The urine analysis...
Participants were monitored in a clinical research unit for 24 hours following dose administration, during which vital signs, an abbreviated physical examination, blood and urine samples, and serial electrocardiograms were obtained. Clinical research unit staff also assessed participants for treatment-...
Consuming high quantities of non-natural foods was associated with elevated DBP in adolescent girls, which was in part due to high fructose levels in these foods categories. The consumption of natural foods containing fructose, such as whole fruits, does not impact blood pressure and should continu...
Hyponatremia is associated with adverse outcomes in hospitalized patients. An elevated value of the serum urea-to-creatinine ratio (UCR) has been proposed as a proxy of hypovolemia. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the UCR and in-hospital death in patients hospita...
Estimated glomerual filtration rate; ICU: Intensive care unit; IQR: Interquartile range; OP: Operation; proENK: Proenkephaline; SAPS: Simplified acute physiology score; SOFA: Sequential organ failure assessment; suPAR: Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor; WBC: White blood cell count. In...
Standard urine culture (SUC), was performed as previously described [32]. Briefly, urine was vortexed, and samples of 1µL each were spread onto blood agar and colistin and nalidixic acid agar/MacConkey agar (CNA/MAC) plates, respectively, using a sterile plastic loop. All plates were incu...