p= 0.034). Thrombocytopenia was identified in the CM group with 67.5 × 109/µL (IQR 59–161) for CM and 246 × 109/µL (IQR 193–383) for the non-CM patient group (p= 0.009). In addition, a higher percentage of the non-CM patients demonstrated an abnormal WBC count in CSF...
(25.5–51.9) 0.059 WBC (103/µL) 4.5–11 na 7.64 (5.34–9.96) 7.33 (3.84–16.22) 0.945 Neutrophil (%) 38–80 na 57.35(51.9–75.7) 75.2 (57.0–89.6) 0.014 Lymphocyte (%) 15–40 na 33.1 (18.2–39.6) 14.1 (2.8–34.8) 0.007 Monocyte (%) 4–7 na 6 (4.9–7.7) 6.9 (3.4–...