Free Calcium in Red Blood Cells of Human Hypertensives is Elevated: How Can This be?Abnormal regulation of calcium transport has been proposed as one mechanism by which increased levels of intracellular free Ca 2+ may occur and could be a factor in essential hypertension (Bohr and Webb, 1984)...
In whole red cells, diminished filterability was also found to occur concomitantly with progressive loss of ATP. ATP-depleted red cells, however, retained most of their plasticity if EDTA were added to the incubation mixture to prevent calcium accumulation8. These results indicate that increased ...
blood pressure is controlled using sedative agents in intubated and ventilated patients, but intravenous agents such abeta blockers(labetalol),calcium channel blockers(nicardipine) orvasodilators(hydralazine) can be very helpful in achieving blood pressure control until regular enteral antihypertensives have...
Elevated blood-calcium level should be cause for concernDr. Paul DonohuePaul G. Donohue (STANDARD)
In 7 normotensive men, aged 40-70 years, intravenous calcium infusion was carried out at rates of 3.75, 7.5 and 15.0 mgkg body weight-1h-1 for 1 h. The infusions increased serum calcium levels, with significant elevations of blood pressure (BP) and total peripheral resistance (TPR), but...
(A) Peripheral blood sample collection pipeline. (B) Non-supervised UMAP analysis of data from 25 patients (controls, 12; mild, 5; critical, 8). (C) Cell surface marker expression in the UMAP analysis shown in (B). (D) Non-supervised UMAP analysis of patient blood samples in the contr...
In this study we have examined two aspects of membrane function, receptor-activated calcium mobilization and calcium activated nitric oxide synthase activity in schizophrenic subjects. Thrombin induces mobilization of calcium ions from intracellular stores. The platelet response of drug naive schizophrenics ...
At different stages of the life cycle, organisms vary in their ability to discriminate Sr and calcium, which can cause age-related differences in gastrointestinal absorption. Though data regarding the effects of such absorption remain limited, it can reportedly impact health, the immune system, and...
Lower levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) were found in the forebrain and brainstem of animals maintained on high calcium drinking water. There was no significant correlation between blood or brain calcium or 5HIAA levels and latency of escape. We conclude that elevated levels of ...
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