Abbreviation: SBP, systolic blood pressure. Case processing summary Valid Cases Missing N 32 32 % 71.1 71.1 N 13 13 % 28.9 28.9 Total N 45 45 % 100.0 100.0 only 13% of patients with elevated BP had the appropriate ICD code entered in the medical record. Subsequent analyses were conducted...
The study focused on evaluating the outcome of ischemic heart disease (IHD), which encompassed angina (ICD-10 code I20) or acute myocardial infarction (ICD-10 code I21) occurring after the participants’ initial enrolment in the study. To establish baseline and follow-up survey outcomes, we co...
Repeated blood pressure measurement—Practicability of two methods for the validation of high readings for employees in a company medical setting. Results of a feasibility study (In German: Wiederholende Blutdruck-Messung—Praktikabilität zweier Methoden zur Validierung hoher Messwerte bei Be...
Two reasons could likely account for this observation, with the first being that all POAG patients were already on IOP-lowering medications as part of their glaucoma therapy; as a result of which, their IOP readings would be lower. Since we did not have access to all of the patients’ pre...