reported appear to occur primarily in patients with elevated or high normal blood pressure, in hypovolemia, and in individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular abnormalities. 所报道的低血压事 件主要发生在血压增高或血压水平正 常偏高的患者、低 血 容量 时、以及存在心血管系统异常的 患者。
Blood pressure increases with age in men and women. Whether and how oxidative stress plays a role in mediating hypertension has been under intense study for the past 10 years. Although most animal studies have shown that oxidative stress will increase blood pressure, the clinical trials using ...
with CF[19,39,40,62,63]. One study showed that reduced levels of BP rise with age in female carriers of the CF gene[64]. Interestingly, studies in CF mice appear to have reduced blood pressure compared to their control wild-type mice, possibly explained by diminished arterial reactivity[...
What is normal blood pressure by age and gender? Normal blood pressure by age and gender can vary as reported by a 2001 study published in the Journal of Hypertension by AHA. While 120/80 mmHg is often quoted as a standard benchmark for normal adult blood pressure, it’s essential to un...
(redirected fromElevated blood pressure) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia hy·per·ten·sion (hī′pər-tĕn′shən) n. 1. a.Abnormally elevated arterial blood pressure. b.Arterial disease marked by chronic high blood pressure. 2.Elevated pressure or tension of a body fluid, as of the int...
Prepubescent and early pubescent obese children (n = 114, mean percent IBW = 165, mean age 7.3 years) were studied to determine the relationship of weight (WT), percent of ideal body weight (percent IBW), gender, and insulin (I) to systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure. ...
Background: Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a modifiable risk factor associated with cognitive impairment and cerebrovascular diseases. However, the causal effect of BP on white matter (WM) brain aging remains unclear. In this study, we hypothesize that increasing BP will accelerate WM brain aging...
Measured in millimeters of mercury, blood pressure is the force of blood against the vessel walls. Systolic blood pressure, the higher number, is the force during a heartbeat, and diastolic refers to when the heart is at rest. Most people's diastolic blood pressure goes down with age. Systo...
Blood pressure (BP) was assessed by a physician using a sphygmomanometer. BP was measured in a sitting position in the left arm after a 5-min rest using an appropriately sized cuff (standard 12 cm, smaller 9 cm, or a wider 15 cm). PP was assessed by subtracting the DBP from the SBP...
HTN and pre-HTN were defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP)≥95 and 90–95th percentile for age, gender, and height, respectively. By using the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operator characteristic curves, we estimated the diagnostic ...