The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee provides captive elephants a safe haven dedicated to their well-being. Learn more.
The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee provides captive elephants a safe haven dedicated to their well-being. Learn more.
A world apart -- Amid the Middle Tennessee hills is a sanctuary for elephants to roam free and live in pampered privacyCindy Wolff
Herds make it easier for female elephants to protect their young, so recognizing friendly faces is another incredible survival strategy. Researchers inAfricahave witnessed family reunions after decades of absence. The reunited elephants became animated and excited to see each other again, reaching out ...
Conducted the first ever national review of elephants in Canadian zoos in 2005. Secured the release of Tina the elephant from the Greater Vancouver Zoo and her transfer to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. Worked for more than 15 years to help Lucy, the Edmonton Valley Zoo’s socially isola...
In recognition of the commitment, perseverance, and milestones achieved by The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee,which is entering its fifteenth year in operation, the State of Tennessee, Lewis County and the City of Hohenwaldhave declared October 2009 as Elephant Awareness Month.Congratulations to Carol...
By The Elephant Sanctuary The Sanctuary’s Africa Habitat recently added a new piece of enrichment equipment— an interactive pulley system designed by The Sanctuary’s dedicated Facilities Team in collaboration with African elephant Caregivers and The Sanctuary’s Husbandry Management Team. ...