Also found in: Dictionary, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Graphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> giant taroAlocasia macr...genus Alocasiaarumaroidelephant's earalocasiaelephant ear noun Synonyms for elephant ear nounany plant of the genus...
describing their rather comically named new speciesAmphicoelias brontodiplodocus. And to be fair, the material they’re describing is sensational, and the photographs in the paper are pretty good.
Secret Santa is one of the most well-known types of gift exchange, but not everyone knows it in the same way. In fact, not everyone even agrees on the terminology. Some people refer to it as Kris Kringle, while others consider Secret Santa to be a synonym for White Elephant. Having sa...
Also found in: Dictionary. Graphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> genus Aepyornisratite birdratiteflightless birdaepyorniselephant b... noun Synonyms for elephant bird nounhuge (to 9 ft Synonyms aepyornis Related Words flightless bird ratite ...
mobilize communities to finance their repair [6,7]. These efforts are laudable and necessary, but not sufficient for achieving the SDG Target 6.1. Metaphorically speaking, development experts still do not acknowledge the pervasive informality in the water sector—the proverbial elephant in the room....