Björn sitzt vor seinem Schreibtisch. Dort liegen viele Rechnungen. Sein Geschäft läuft zurzeit nicht gut und sein Konto ist fast leer. Er weiß nicht, wie er die nächsten Monate überstehen soll. Sein Freund hat ihm gesagt, dass er den Gürtel eben enger schnallen müsste. Zuerst...
Elenger Marine offers both, ship-to-ship and truck-to-ship bunkering services in the Gulf of Finland area. Read more Optimus LNG bunker vessel Optimus is the first LNG bunker ship of its kind operating in the Gulf of Finland area of the Baltic Sea. ...
After the steel-cutting ceremony in March the keel-laying ceremony has taken place at Damen Yichang Shipyard in China for the LNG Bunker vessel for the new energy brand ELENGER, formerly known as Eesti Gaas. The event was attended by Mr. Ain Hanschmidt, Chairman of the Advisory Board of E...
In a statement, Damen said: “With this first LNG bunkering vessel, Elenger has significantly expanded its LNG distribution business in the Baltic region. The company has been supplying one of the leading regional ferry companies, Tallink Group, for the past five years, refuelling its LNG-fuelle...
【中国】宜昌达门船舶有限公司为Elenger建造的一艘LNG燃料加注船日前举行了龙骨铺设仪式。Elenger是一个新的能源品牌,之前名为 EestiGas。该船钢板切割仪式在今年3月举行。 【中国】据报道,广东能源集团采购了两船LNG现货,交付中海油的大鹏LNG接收站,广东能源集团在该接收站持股。路透社报道,首船LNG已经在上一周到港...
#疯游手记##周末去哪吃# EL BARRIO 墨圈儿(三里屯店) 📍店就开在三里屯大名鼎鼎的意库旁边,就是三里屯那里花园的二楼,走进小花园,直走上二楼就是,晚上去的,很美,很梦幻。 灯光氛围很赞,是餐厅又是酒吧,...
The maturing tunnel is at a higher temp. than the humidity and stacks of wafer and cream layers are produced before applying the chocolate.WONG, CARL YOUKHAN, MIR NAJAFALIMIHALIK, JOHN ALBERT
Produktoversigt: Fluke 17XX i40s-EL Clamp-on Current Transformers Fluke i40s-EL strømtang bruges til måling af små strømme. Den er egnet til målinger op til 40 A, og den måler også præcist på sekundære strømtransformere på 1 A og 5 A. Kæben på i40...
Damen Yichang Shipyard in China has held keel-laying ceremony for an LNG bunker vessel for the new energy brand Elenger, previously known as Eesti Gaas.