Unknown custom element: <el-empty> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive compone 如下图: 报错原因: “el-empty”未注册 解决:element版本太低了,当前版本里面查找不到el-enpty这个组件,需要重新安装一下element的版本。 npm i element-ui@2.15.6 -S npm i element-ui@2.15.6 -S ...
<el-empty description="No Data" v-if="dataList.length == 0" style="height:650px;overflow-y:auto;text-align:center" ></el-empty> <!-- 这个div一定要放在使用指令的div里面--> 0"> Pull up to load more loading no more data </...
空状态 <!-- 空状态 --><el-empty v-else style="text-align: center; width: 100%" :image-size="200" description="暂无数据" ></el-empty> 加载 v-loading="loading"loading:true,this.loading=false;showLoad() { this.load = this.$loading({ text: "加载中…" }); },hideLoad() { thi...
如果每个字段去判断非常麻烦,我们利用css实现: .el-table .el-table__body td .cell:empty::after, .el-table .el-table__body td .cell > span:empty::after, .el-table .el-table__body td .cell .approval:empty::after, .el-table .el-table__body td .cell div:empty::after, .el-table ...
<el-empty v-else style="text-align: center; width: 100%" :image-size="200" description="暂无数据" ></el-empty> 1. 2. 加载 v-loading="loading" loading:true, this.loading=false; showLoad() { this.load = this.$loading({ text: "加载中…" }); }, ...
结构写法<el-autocompletev-model.trim="invoiceHeaderInformation.gmfMc":fetch-suggestions="querySearch":trigger-on-focus="false"type="text":popper-class="className"placeholder="请输入名称"class="td_inputSearch"@select="handleSelect"/> 在结构中需要注意的是 ...
isEmpty = false; this.inputChange = false this.$set(row, "isup", 0); } }, // 监听input是否有改动过 handleInput(el,{row}) { this.inputChange = true // 分情况允许输入 switch(row.key) { case 0 : case 1 : case 3 : case 4 : let temp = Number(el) || null // 检测出不...
sync="pagination.currentPage" @current-change="currentChange" :total="pagination.total"></el-pagination> data() { return { tableData: tableData, // 数据自行模拟 checkAll: false, isIndeterminate: false, checkedList: [], nodesTotal: { checkTotal: 0, total: 0 }, pagination: { current...
}.el-select-dropdown__empty{display:none; }.el-input__suffix{display:none; } .el-input__inner { border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); } }
important; } } } .el-table, .el-table__expanded-cell { background-color: transparent; } .el-table, .el-table__expanded-cell, .el-table--border::after, .el-table--group::after, .el-table::before { background-color: transparent; } .el-table__empty-text { line-height: 500px; ...