The+Elemen..The only style manual ever to appear on bestseller lists has explained to millions of readers the ba
学姐给各位推荐一本英文写作书——《The Elements of Style》,它豆瓣评分9.1 ,又被译为《英文写作指南》。 《The Elements of Style》是常春藤盟校康奈尔大学英语写作教材,全球销量超千万,美国《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》学习类畅销书榜...
The Elements of Style PDF is a popular Reference Book written by William Strunk Jr. The Book was originally published in 1918. It follows the genre of Reference Book, Guide Book, Academic Book etc.
《The elements of style.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The elements of style.pdf(48页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 Make definite assertions Avoid tame colorless hesitating non committal language Rule 12 William Strunk Jr The Elements of Style The Elements of Style William Strunk Jr ...
DOWNLOAD The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition [PDF] Full Ebookreadebooks
由斯特伦克和怀特合著的《文体指南》(the elements of style)是能满足我们要求的一本书。这本小书,译成中文只有一百多页,却是一本经得起考验的书。我不知道为什么只有学英语的人才去看它。用英语写作和用汉语写作难道不都是在写作吗?文体上的要求,难道不是对汉语和英语都是同样的吗?因此,我相信,这本书,对于...
《The elements of style 》《英文写作指南》.pdf在美国被3000个课程列为阅读书目 本期内容学姐给各位推荐一本英文写作书——《The Elements of Style》,它豆瓣评分9.1 ,又被译为《英文写作指南》,它是一本关于英文写作的经典之书,包含18条英语写作的用法和写作的一些基本原则或者在写作时需要注意的重要规则。
Fourth edition of :The Elements of Style" Allyn and Bacon of Needham Heights, Mass., has published a new edition—the fourth—of "The Elements of Style," and Andrew Ferguson reviewed it in the Week... C&EN Group - Chemical and engineering news: "news edition" of the American Chemical So...
Sylvia Plath has knocked Keats out of the box, and I notice that "America" has become "this country" in a sample text, to forestall a subsequent and possibly demeaning "she" in the same paragraph. What is not here is anything about E-mail-the rules- free, lower ease flow that ...
The Elements of Style-- Fourth Edition William ...英文文献资料.pdf,William Strunk, Jr. (1869–1946). The Elements of Style. 1918. The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. Professor of English Cornell University Privately Printed Ithaca, New York 1918