英文寫作聖經《The Elements of Style》豆瓣评分:7.7 简介:恐怖小說大師Stephen King史蒂芬‧金、奉為權威典範的英文寫作聖經!經典兒童名著《夏綠蒂的網》作者E. B. White極致推崇!橫跨兩世紀‧全球暢銷超過10,000,000冊從哈佛、耶魯,到普林斯頓,霸佔全美高中
The Elements of StyleWilliam Strunk + E.B. White Macmillan 1979 A book review by Danny Yee © 1994 https://dannyreviews.com/Strunk and White's The Elements of Style deals only with style in the narrow sense. It gives advice on grammar, word choice, appropriate use of different syntact...
This Classic Edition commemorates the 100-year anniversary of William Strunk's grammar primer, The Elements of Style. ?Generations of writers have learned the basics of grammar from Strunk’s little book. It was rated “one of the 100 most influential books written in English” by Time in 201...
The Elements of Style: Fourth Edition电子书 售价:¥8.82 12人正在读 |0人评论 6.2 作者:William Strunk Jr. 出 版 社:LBA 出版时间:2018-03-16 字数:5.4万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>教育/学习 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印 ...
我觉得吕叔湘的一些文章更类似The Elements of Style,有比较多的词的用法,连词和标点符号,他的讲解...
About The Book You know the authors' names. You recognize the title. You've probably used this book yourself. This is The Elements of Style, the classic style manual,...Read more Semester Rentals $500eCampusRent It $1500ValoreBooksRent It ...
The Elements of Stylewas the first writing book I ever owned. In sixth grade, when I was assigned my first term paper, one of the requirements was to use this book. It was only recently that I finally upgraded to the latest edition and read it in its entirety for the first time, and...
The Elements of MATLAB Style, this book provides a comprehensive collection of standards and guidelines for creating MATLAB code. The book provides conventions for formatting, naming
A searchable version ofElements(Third Edition) can be found atBartleby.com. You can alsofind the book on Amazon.com
> **Note:** This post is now part of the [“Composing Software” book](https://leanpub.com/composingsoftware). In 1920, [“The Elements of Style” by William Strunk Jr](https://www.amazon.com/Elements-Style-Fourth-William-Strunk/dp/020530902X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1493260884...