"Poetry is truth in its Sunday clothes" [Joseph RouxMeditations of a Parish Priest] "Prose = words in their best order; poetry = the best words in their best order" [Samuel Taylor ColeridgeTable Talk] "Imaginary gardens with real toads in them" [Marianne MoorePoetry] ...
Poetry uses “an economy of language”; that is, poetry generally uses a minimal amount of language to express a great deal of content Poetry is more challenging because you have to study and consider the language and the relationship between words far more carefully than in fiction Just as ...
ElementsofPoetry ❖Prosody❖VerseForms❖PoeticGenresandKinds❖PoeticDictionandPoeticLicense❖RhetoricalDevices 第6页,共31页。Prosody ❖Prosodyisthestudyofsoundandrhythminpoetry.❖metre(格律):Inlisteningtothehumanvoicewecanalwayshearthatsomewordsandsyllablesarestressedandthatothersunstressed.Whenthe...
Imagery the descriptions and mental pictures of a literary work Stanza A paragraph in a poem made up of lines of poetry Hyperbole exaggeration; magnifying something with words lines a group of 2 or more words in a poem Tone the emotion expressed by the voice in the poem關於...
1 ELEMENTS OF POETRY POETRY: Concise way of conveying meaning and emotion. A poem makes use of words and word meanings, tone, sp..
ElementsofPoetry FigurativeLanguage ecs.marinavikings/pub/280/ ExamplesofFigurativeLanguage Alliteration Assonance Consonance Epanaphora Hyperbole Imagery Onomatopoeia Oxymoron Personification Simile Synecdoche Alliteration Alliterationistherepetitionofinitial consonantsoundsinwords. ...
1.1 Elements of Poetry ElementsofPoetry Theelementsofapoemincludeitssoundeffects,especiallyrhyme,assonace,andalliteration;itsrhythmandmeterorthepatternofaccentswehearinthepoem’swords,phrases,lines,andsentences;aspeakerwhosevoicewehearinit;itsdictionorselectonofwords;itssyntaxortheorderofthosewords;itsimagery...
Altogether, these elements signify that a piece of writing is a poem, creating images, manipulating language, employing rhyme, and otherwise creatively rearranging words in order to construct an artistic composition. Elements of Poetry Examples The elements of poetry are recognizable in the way they...
Though poetry differs from prose in the manner in which words are laid out on the page, the two genres share some of the same techniques used to elicit emotion and feeling in a reader. An effective poem relies on such tools as allegory, metaphor, rhyme and alliteration, which is the repe...
What are the elements of poetry?PoetryPoetry is non-prose writing organized into lines and stanzas. Poetry normally attempts to present theme in as few words as possible. Poets use sound devices, imagery, and figurative language to create meaning in limited words....