GOALS Show, don’t tell. Stay focused on your message. Include only details that are necessary. Be unique. Choose your words wisely. Write for your audience not yourself. Have a story to tell. EXPRESSIVE GENRES Print Media Memoir Personal Narrative Diary Journal (Some) Poetry Autobiography Lett...
To William Wordsworth, poetry “is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” Poetry can be an attempted to describe “what is deeply felt and is essentially unsayable.” Poetry is “the expression of the imagination.” Which Means What? Poetry is lofty thought or impassioned feeling express...
These elements are the major events in a story, and they're essential in all creative writing, whether you're writing a novel, screenplay, memoir, short story, or other form. Even skilled writers who do not use these intentionally are incorporating them into their writing subconsciously because...
If you're new toshort storywriting, it can be intimidating to think of fitting everything you need in a story into a small word count. Are there certain elements of a short story you'll need to know in order for your story to be great? Writers struggle with this all the time. You ...
In many European languages, the word “roman” is used for what we take to be the novel. First, the novel is a new genre or form. It is new because it greatly differs from those already established, namely, poetry, drama and ballad. ? ? ? Second, the content of a novel is of a...
We will define each below, but here are the six elements of plot: Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Actionor Progressive Complications Dilemma Climax Denouement These elements are the major events in a story, and they're essential in all creative writing, whether you're writing a novel, screenp...