Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) are important “vehicles” of diverse genes in the microbial genetic pool. Exchange of MGEs in the microbial community confers new traits to their hosts and promotes their rapid adaptation to various environments. For decad
Atomic weights of the elements 1997 (TechnicalReport)Abstract:The biennial review of atomic weight determinations,Ar(E), and other cognate datahas warranted no changes for the standard atomic weights of the elements from that previouslypublished in the Table of Atomic Weights 1995 with the exception...
Modeling of Crack Propagation in Thin-Walled Structures Using a Cohesive Model for Shell Elements A cohesive interface element is presented for the finite element analysis of crack growth in thin specimens. In this work, the traditional cohesive interfa... PD Zavattieri - 《Journal of Applied Me...
A methodology for an analytical derivation of visibility probabilities of n stationary target points in the plane is developed for the case when shadows are cast by a Poisson random field of obscuring elements. In addition, formulae for the moments of a measure of the total proportional visibility...