Declaration of interest's statement Additional information Acknowledgments Appendix A. Supplementary data ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (1) Figures (1) Tables (8) Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6Show all tables Extras (3) Download all Multimedia component 1 Multimedia ...
I have had student groups build banners on the history of chemistry, design HyperCard stacks (there is an old one for you) on the elements and their compounds, create videos on elements, create 3D models of molecules and ancient Greek matter theorists, do interviews of experts on the history...
(2011). Opening the Gates: Interactive and Multimedia Elements of Newspaper Websites in Latin America. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Online Journalism 2011, Austin, Texas.Bachmann, I., & Harlow, S. (2012). Opening the gates: Interactive and multimedia elements of newspape...
Código de salida: 15 Error en la sincronización de base de datos multimedia. El proceso de instalación no fusiona la base de datos de medios del programa de instalación con la base de datos de medios local. 1. Asegúrese de que la instalación de estos dos archivos de base de datos...
Multimedia znajdujące się już w bibliotekach konta online są pobierane do modułu Elements Organizer, aby można było z nimi pracować. Skonfiguruj moduł Elements Organizer do pracy z kontem online Do góry Zaloguj się do swojego konta online 1. W panelu modułu Elements...
4. Elements of place identity/identification 5. Discussion 6. Conclusion Funding CRediT authorship contribution statement Acknowledgements Appendix A. Supplementary data ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (4) Figures (1) Tables (3) Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Extras (1) Multimedia component 1Journal...
Organize, search, and manage an ever-increasing number of images, videos, and multimedia using expert practices Find solutions to a wide range of photographic and image-editing problems Description Managing thousands of images while producing perfectly edited results has now become a must-have skil...
Declaration of competing interest Acknowledgement Appendix A. Supplementary data ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (22) Figures (9) Show 3 more figures Tables (5) Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Extras (1) Multimedia component 1Biosensors...
6. A method to encode a PDF file with a signal, the PDF file comprising a plurality of elements including an artwork element, said method comprising: disassembling the PDF file to obtain the artwork element; first encoding the artwork element according to a first signal encoding, said first ...
For example, the location information may be provided as a text message, iMessage, multimedia message, or any messaging formatting that supports text and/or data.Selection of the “Send Message to All” option may send a message to each of the users on the user list 120. The message may...