In this chapter, we discuss the various elements of lumped-parameter modeling in MEMS devices. These include the stiffness of microstructures, the inertia elements, and the damping mechanisms of energy dissipation in microstructures. The forces affecting microstructures due to actuation and detection are...
They cover physical and mathematical fundamentals, the lumped element modeling method, mathematical model order reduction, modeling entire systems, and software implementations. System-level modeling of MEMS Figure 2 shows the models of rectangular waveguides with the capacitive window or the inductive wind...
· Hybrid Methods – Theory and Applications: FE-BI/FDTD, FE-FV/Circuit Simulators/High-Frequency Techniques, Coupled Physics FEM for RF-MEMS · FEM Modeling: Waveguides, Components, Active Devices, Lumped Elements · Multigrid and Domain Decomposition Methods · CAD / Meshing Advances and Tools ...