Setting Time: period of time in which story is set (year, day, month, century, time of day) Place: where the story is set (country, planet, state, town, other location) Mood: the feeling the story conveys to the reader. Points of View 1st person: the person telling the story is o...
THE WORLD OF POETRY Poetic Terms to know & understand POETRY: is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic. Poetry. Poetry 7th grade literature. Poetry A kind of rhythmic, compressed language that uses figures of speech and imagery to appeal to emotion ...
Literatureisthefaceofasocietyandaculture.Writers,dramatistsandnovelistscatchtheattentionofthereaderstimulatingthefeelingsandemotionsthroughtheelementsofliterature.Character Plot Setting ForeshadowingConflict Elements Theme StructurePointofview Itistheserialarrangementofevents,containsalltheepisodesandofferartisticenjoyment.Besi...
Elements of Literature Theme文献主题元素 Theme FeatureMenu WhatIsTheme?UniversalThemesFindingtheThemeMakingaJudgmentPractice WhatIsTheme?Whatmakesastorylingerinourheartsandmindslongafterwe’vereadit?Oftenitistheideaonwhichthestoryisbuilt—itstheme.WhatIsTheme?Theme—thecentralidea,orinsight,aboutlifeorhuman...
events rightaftertheclimax. •Resolution/Denoument: thelooseendsaretied up;theconflictis resolved. ElementsofLiterature •Epiphany—An enlightenmentorrevelation leadingtoachangein character. •Foreshadowing—Ahintof whatistocome. ElementsofLiterature •Character:afictionalperson withinastory. •...
the necessities of life Archetypal Character • Repetition of a type of character in literature that contains a universal human experience. –Example: • “the hag” • “the naïve young man” Heroic Journey • Beginning as an underdog, but still able to ...
An allusion is when a reference is made to a well-known character, place or situation from history, music, art, or another work of literature. Example of an allusion to a character: “Wake up Sleeping Beauty!” Example of an allusion to a place: “He was so heartbroken, he threatened... StoryGrammar SettingCharactersPlotClimaxThemeResolutionDenouement Setting TimeandplacearewheretheactionoccursDetailsthatdescribe:FurnitureSceneryCustomsTransportationClothingDialectsWeatherTimeofdayTimeofyear ElementsofaSetting Location Life Era Place Time Ph...
14The-Elements-of-DramaPPT优秀课件 AnIntroductiontoDrama 戏剧导论 1 Whatisdrama???Adramaisaworkofliteratureoracompositionwhichdescribslifeandhumanactivitybymeansofpresentingvariousactionsof,anddialoguesbetweenagroupofcharacters.Anditisdesignedfortheatricalpresentation.Twomanifestationsofaplay (1)Itisaliterarywork,an...
THEME The main idea of a literary work, usually expressed as a generalization. SETTING The time and place in which a work of literature happens. CHARACTERIZATION The description of the personalities of the characters in the story and the way in which an author reveals their personalities. PLOT ...