elements of information theory中文版Elements of Information Theory(信息论要素) 1. 简介 《Elements of Information Theory》是由Thomas M. Cover和Joy A. Thomas所著的信息论经典教材。信息论是一门研究信息传输、压缩和加密等问题的学科,它在通信、数据压缩、密码学等领域具有重要的应用价值。本书从基本概念出发...
读音:美英 elements of information theory基本解释 信息论基础 分词解释 elements原理,基础 information信息,数据 theory学说
必应词典为您提供Elements-of-Information-Theory的释义,网络释义: 信息论基础;资讯理论基础;资讯理论的基本元素;
The initial questions treated by information theory lay in the areas of data compression and transmission. The answers are quantities such as entropy and mutual information, which are functions of the probability distributions that underlie the process of communication. The Kol-mogorov complexity of a...
Information theory deals with the quantitative aspects of storage and transmission of messages. Some of these aspects involve the inner structure of messages: the grammar of their language, the acoustic spectrum of their sound etc. We will not enter into questions of this kind. For us here, mes...
Elements of Information Theory 作者:Thomas M. Cover/Joy A. Thomas 出版社:Wiley-Blackwell 出版年:2006-7 页数:776 定价:GBP 76.50 装帧:Hardcover 丛书:Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing ISBN:9780471241959 豆瓣评分 9.0 135人评价...
信息论基础elementsofinformationtheory.ppt,信息论 电子信息工程学院 电子信息工程学院 沈阳航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院 信息论 3.1信道的数学模型及分类 在信息论中,信道指信息传输的通道。它是信息论中与信源并列的另一个主要研究对象。信息是抽象的,信道则是具体的
信息论基础ElementsofInformationTheory 信息论 3.7离散信源与离散信道的匹配 输入量 X(随机过程)输入∕输出统计关系 信道 输出量 Y(随机过程)I(ai)H(X)Hmax(X)logr 1H(X)Hmax(X)RI(X;Y)Rt 1t I(X;Y)Cmax{I(X;Y)}P(X)1 Ct t max{I(X;Y)} P(X)H(Y...
信息论基础ElementsofInformationTheory 信息论 3.1信道的数学模型及分类 在信息论中,信道指信息传输的通道。它是信息论中与信源并列的另一个主要研究对象。信息是抽象的,信道则是具体的。典型例子:实际通信中物理通道:电缆、光纤、电波传布空间、载波线路等;存储信息的物理介质:磁带、光盘等;...
The initial questions treated by information theory lay in the areas of data compression and transmission. The answers are quantities such as entropy and mutual information, which are functions of the probability distributions that underlie the process of communication. The Kol-mogorov complexity of a...