Elements of Discrete Mathematics, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.Liu, C.L, Element of Discrete Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1985.Element of Discrete Mathematics By C. L. Liu 2. Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Application By D.S. MALIK and M.K. Sen, Thomson Publications 3....
This book treats the elements of discrete mathematics that have important applications in computer science, thus providing the necessary tools for the reader to come to a competent mathematical judgement of modern developments in the age of information. Almost all assertions are shown with full proofs...
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Two-Parameter Bifurcations of Fixed Points in Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems Yuri A. Kuznetsov Pages 407-504 Numerical Analysis of Bifurcations Yuri A. Kuznetsov Pages 505-585 Back Matter Pages 587-634 Download chapter PDF Back to top Reviews Review of earlier edition "I know of no...
The discretization of the computational domain plays a central role in the finite element method. In the standard discretization the domain is triangulated with a mesh and its boundary is approximated by a polygon. The boundary approximation induces a geometry-related error which influences the accurac...
Read and Download Links: Elements of Data Science (Allen B. Downey) The Mirror Site (1) - PDF The Mirror Site (2) - PDF Similar Books: Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools (Jake VanderPlas) Several resources exist for individual pieces of this data science stack, but only wi...
was presented at the beginning of the 21st Century. Similar techniques were announced by different mathematics researchers afterwards. But, due to some common restrictions, this method is not widely used in the field of numerical simulations. On one hand, only the case of two-mesh is taken ...
The “Boom hierarchy” is a hierarchy of types that begins at the level of trees and includes lists, bags and sets. This hierarchy forms the basis for the calculus of total functions developed by Bird and Meertens, and which has become known as the...
1710.07661). We then go on to prove the stability of the semi-discrete approximation and show that the energy of the discrete approximation is bounded in terms of work done by the body force and initial energy put into the system. We look forward to improvements and development of a ...
1. Method for changing a group key GK for a secure data exchange in a group of network elements P1 . . . Pn (n=2, 3, . . . ) in a network system having a closed peer-to-peer configuration and a virtual synchrony supporting group communication protocol in a communication layer of ...